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The essential French verb faire : to do or to make
One of the most commonly used verbs in French is the verb faire which means to do or to make depending on the context.
It is essential for any French learner, to know how this verb works since it is used in many situations like weather, hobbies and more.
In this lesson, you will learn its different uses of and how its conjugation works.
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1. What is the meaning of faire?
The English translation for faire can be to do or to make depending on the context.
However, you 'll find that the verb faire can have different meanings especially when used in French expressions.
After completing this lesson, you will have the feeling that you are able to form a lot more sentences in French and that would be correct as the verb faire is indeed used in several situations.
2. When do you use the French verb faire?
Here are some of the situations in which you can use the verb faire.
When meaning to do or to make something
Je suis en train de faire mes devoirs. => I am doing my homework
Je suis en train de faire un gâteau. => I am making a cake.
To talk about weather
We use the impersonal pronoun Il when talking about weather.
Il fait chaud => It is hot
Il fait beau => The weather is nice
Il fait dix degrés => it is 10 degrees
To talk about activities
Je fais du judo => I practice judo
Qu'est-ce que tu fais dans la vie? => What do you do in life?
Nous faisons du sport => We practice sport
To make mathematics calculation
Dix plus deux font douze => ten plus two equal twelve
To discuss house shores
Elle fait le ménage => She is doing household cleaning.
Vous faites la vaisselle => You are cleaning the dishes.
To ask or tell the price of something
Ça fait combien? => How much is it?
Ça vous fera 20 dollars => It will cost you 20 dollars.​
3. How to conjugate the irregular verb faire in French?
Faire is one of the French irregular verbs that anyone learning French needs to know. Instead of focusing on its conjugation in all the tenses, we will focus on the main tenses that you might need for daily use like present, future, past, conditional, subjonctive, ...
Conjugation of The verb Faire in Present
The way to conjugate faire is very irregular in present tense. You just have to learn it by heart!
Je fais
Tu fais
Il fait
Elle fait
Nous faisons
Vous faites
Ils font
Elles font
Pour me détendre, je fais de la natation. => To relax, I practice swimming.
Conjugation of Faire in simple future tense
Since faire is an irregular verb, what will be important to remember is the stem FER, to which you add the endings : ai-as-a-ons-ez-ont to get simple future tense.
Je ferai
Tu feras
Il fera
Elle fera
Nous ferons
Vous ferez
Ils feront
Elles feront
Quand ma fille sera plus âgée, elle fera ses propres choix. => When my daughter will be older, she will make her own choices.
Conjugation of Faire in Past tense (passé composé)
Before seing the conjugation table, it is important to note that the verb faire is used with the auxiliary avoir (to have). Its irregular past participle is "fait".
This is how to conjugate faire in passé composé tense.
J'ai fait
Tu as fait
Il a fait
Elle a fait
Nous avons fait
Vous avez fait
Ils ont fait
Elles ont fait.
Tu as fait tes exercices? => Did you do your exercises ?
Faire conjugated in imparfait tense
Je faisais
Tu faisais
Il faisait
Elle faisait
Nous faisions
Vous faisiez
Ils faisaient
Elles faisaient
To review or learn more about the imparfait, click here.
Quand j'étais plus jeune, je faisais souvent du vélo avec mon père. => When i was younger, I used to do cycling with my father.
Conjugation of faire in conditional tense
Conditional tense is very similar to future tense as they have the same stem FER, except that the endings are different .
Je ferais
Tu ferais
Il ferait
Elle ferait
Nous ferions
Vous feriez
Ils feraient
Elles feraient.
Si je devais retourner à l'école, j'étudierais la chimie => If I had to go back to school, I would study chemistry.
Faire conjugated in subjonctive tense
This is the way to conjugate Faire in the subjonctive tense
Que je fasse
Que tu fasses
Qu'il fasse
Que nous fassions
Que vous fassiez
Qu'ils fassent
Qu'elles fassent
Il faut que vous fassiez attention à vos affaires => You must pay attention to your stuff
How to conjugate Faire in imperative tense
Remember that Imperative tense is used without subject and concerns only the subjects tu, nous and vous.
Faisons vite avant que papa n'arrive. => Le's hurry up before Dad arrives.
Conjugating Faire in Plus-que-parfait tense
J'avais fait
Tu avais fait
Il avait fait
Elle avait fait
Nous avions fait
Vous aviez fait
Ils avaient fait
Elles avaient fait
Elle avait déjà fait ses valises quand elle a reçu l'avis d'annulation de son vol. => She had already packed her bags when she received the cancellation notice of her flight.
Faire conjugated in Conditionnel passé
J'aurais fait
Tu aurais fait
Il aurait fait
Elle aurait fait
Nous aurions fait
Vous auriez fait
Ils auraient fait
Elles auraient fait
Elle n'aurait pas fait ses valises si elle l'avait su plus tôt. => She wouldn't have packed her bags if she had known it earlier.
4. Practice with exercises on the verb faire
Practice with our interactive exercise to make sure you are able to use this verb perfectly. Take the test below !
Fore more practice, below is a selection of other great exercises you could do to improve your French.
Exercice 2 (Isl collective)